Make a daycare website

With critical shortages in daycare facilities, the daycare and babysitting business has become increasingly competitive. Choosing to make a website enables daycare centers, nurseries and babysitters to advertise their credentials and increase their web presence.

emyspot makes it easy to make a daycare website or to create a nursery website for free, so you can focus on what matters: publish your tariffs and childcare placement vacancies, present your facilities, references and activity programs. And you don't need any skills or experience in website development - just a web browser and an internet connection.

Make a daycare website

How to make a daycare website or a babysitter website


All you'll need to get started and make a free website is to sign up - you'll find it's easier than you think to make a daycare website or a site for babysitting. emyspot comes with everything you'll need online - there's absolutely nothing to install on your computer.

Once you've registered for a free website account, you can get started right away and create a website to build your web presence.

A simple yet full-featured page editor makes it easy to make unlimited web pages for a daycare website, babysitting service, nursery, kindergarten preschool or other childcare facility.

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Add everything parents need to make informed decisions, right to your website

  • Outline workshops, games and activities on offer, display weekly menus etc.
  • List tariffs for basic care and additional services (meals, outings, special diets or care).
  • Post working conditions and job offers.
  • Publish online enrollment forms and payment facilities.
  • List references to present the childcare team and on-staff professionals.
  • Detail your educational programs and mission statement.
  • Present the facilities, or your home, if you're a babysitter.
  • Publish opening days and hours and access maps.

Develop your activity and show off your know-how

By using the included tools to personalize your site design, the website builder tools and free and fast help for beginner webmasters, you'll find it really is child's play to make a pro website yourself.

By choosing to make an online photo album and to add a video gallery, you can present your facilities, their surroundings, and on-staff childcare professionals. It's also a great way to highlight the toys and games available for children.

Photo slideshows and online guestbook are perfect for gathering happy parents' feedback, and ideal for reassuring potential new parents.

Baby photo
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Entertaining and practical services for parents and children alike

Make an online agenda and publish newsletters to inform parents about menus, activities and available places.

Make a blog for your childcare or babysitter website is another practical way of providing information and getting feedback about outings and other activities offered - parents will love to participate by leaving their comments on your articles, and it helps build a strong bond with your parent community.

A site contact form you can personalize and online payment facilities enable parents to enroll their children and pay enrollment fees right on your site - a fantastic time-saver for parents and for you!

emyspot really does make it easy to make a free website or to create a pro website, and to take advantage of free help every step of the way. So what are you waiting for to start developing your daycare business online?

Make a website