New website content explorer

On 10/10/2012

In New and updated features

It’s been a year since the last major update to doomby’s website builder, and the team has been hard at work adding new features ever since. Our latest and greatest is the new content explorer, designed to make it simpler to manage your site pages.

The new content explorer is now online in your site manager, in the Pages add-on (head to the Pages > Manage pages menu to start taking advantage of it today).

And yes, it still works with an iPad and iPhone. 

To make it easier than ever to manage your site content, the content explorer is split into 2 distinct sections, which now more clearly separate management of categories (on the left) and pages (on the right).

There are also some great new features that have been requested by the doomby community, like the Duplicate feature, enabling webmasters to quickly make a copy of an existing page, and edit its content here and there to make a brand new one. And batch-processing tools to help you quickly publish or unpublish, move or delete multiple pages in one go, and make site content management quicker and more efficient than ever.

To access and manage website comments for a single page, you can now use the comment link displayed for each one, right in the explorer - filter and moderate comments for just that one page, with just one click.

You'll also be able to more quickly manage off-site social sharing of your pages, right from within the page explorer, with one-click website social-sharing buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

The new site content explorer will be progressively expanded to other site add-ons over the coming months, to unify and simply site content management. The doomby team loves getting feedback from the doomby community, so if you have any ideas, suggestions or comments on the new site content explorer, just leave us a message on our Facebook page, via the online support service, or leave your comment below.