
Easy site design tools: doomby V4

On 23/03/2011

In New and updated features

Although doomby comes with a wealth of ready-made design themes, one of the easiest ways of ensuring your site stands out from the crowd is to personalize your chosen design template. All the necessary website design tools are built right into the site manager, enabling you to choose colors, borders, fonts and images for your site header and background.

We’re currently finishing up work on getting the design editor ready for the next version of doomby’s free website builder, and it’s time to take a look at what’s in store.

Simplified design tools

One of the areas we’ve concentrated on is ensuring site design is as easy as possible. Designing user-friendly ways of editing your site design is something that’s central to the way we develop new doomby features, and improving existing ones. The use of visual cues and icons is a key feature of the overhaul to our site design features, as evidenced here in the header background image editor:


Faster editing

Visual user interfaces are all about making things as quick and easy as possible. Our new site title editor includes WYSIWYG previews of title display, and the new color-picker includes a palette of ready-to-use colors, for one-click color selection:


Live previews

The use of live preview windows has been extended further in the new site designer: combined with familiar buttons and selectors, it ensures you see the result of every change you make, as you make them. The live previews guarantee you know exactly what your changes will look like, without publishing them online:


One-click publish and preview

Once you’ve made your site design changes, use the floating preview button to save your design and instantly open your site to check the finished result online:


Your new free website design tools are just one of the ways we’re working towards making it easier than ever to make a website – we’ll be revealing more of the great new features coming up in the next version of doomby soon. Until then, happy website-making!