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Manage your online store faster, better and more easily

On 02/04/2010

In New and updated features

Given the rapid pace of my colleague's recent programming exploits improving our free website builder, you could be forgiven for thinking he was either:

  1. junked up on caffeine (or worse), or
  2. a truly conscientious workaholic.

Although he does drink more coffee than I do, I couldn't reasonably describe his consumption as excessive. And as I'm not convinced he's the type who'd take illicit drugs (nor have I really taken the time to examine his pupils lately, what with being busy and all), I'll go for the second option (maybe he wants a raise – a car that old must cost a fortune to repair).

In any case, he's been feverishly working on fleshing out improvements to our e-commerce website tools and online store website manager, and it's really starting to bear fruit: yes, it's now even easier than ever to make a website with doomby. We really like what he's done - in fact, I'm even tempted to make a business website and build my very own little online shopping mall. Well, almost – it's a little hard, since I really haven't got a clue, and have nothing to sell*, save for a billion or so cottony hydrangea scale and about as many cat hairs (wanna buy some, cheap?).

But back to the store manager. The new product interface is one of those “so simple why didn't I think of it” kind of things, and really makes managing products and catalogs much easier and a whole lot more fun. It's layout will be instantly familiar, as it duplicates the familiar layout used by your operating system for navigating around your files and folders. It also comes complete with a great preview window, displaying extended product details such as price, weight and stocks, making product management a much faster (and infinitely more enjoyable) experience.

Moving between different categories and drilling down through sub-categories to display associated products is as easy as pointing and double-clicking, and you can drag and drop products and categories to reorder them (and you know how much you love to drag and drop). Best of all, these are just the first of a series of improvements on the way, so stay tuned for more.

And if you know of a place to get cheap parts for a 1973 Ford Taunus, let Nicolas know - I sure he'd be grateful.


* And no, contrary to rumors, my left kidney is not currently for sale. I'm saving that for a deposit on a house.