Mommy dearest ... at least there are developers to ease the pain

On 16/11/2009

In New and updated features

Parents can be such a disappointment. Here I was, convinced my mother would become a key part of our marketing strategy: living proof that doomby makes it easy to make a website. “Don't believe me?” I'd say. “It's so easy, even my mother can make a website with doomby!”. I'm sure I even used that as the central pitch of my job interview, and is very probably the reason why I got hired: “buy one, get one free!”.  Several months later, I even went so far as to ask her if that was OK, and decided that I would respect her wishes (unless she said no).

Then she had to go and ruin everything by having “technical problems”.

She often does, so it shouldn't have surprised me. Like sometimes, she can't quite figure out how to switch things on. It was power sockets the last time I dropped by for a visit - that should have set the alarm bells off but no, I had to persist. “Growing pains,” I thought. “She'll learn”. When I got the phone call last week - “I went on the website, but I couldn't see where you wrote anything about me” - it started becoming all too clear. My mother was either consciously rebelling (a family trait, so highly likely) or slightly … technically challenged.

Either way, it was just so disappointing. I mean, you try to get them off to a good start by giving them the best years of your life, then this is how they treat you …

I spent the weekend easing my pain with housework and wine (in equally copious quantities), and consoling myself with the joy that our developers rained down on us late Friday. They managed to pull a couple of rabbits out of the hat last week just for doombyPLUS members, designed to make your lives a little easier and your websites a whole lot better:

  • You can now secure access to individual pages with a password – great if you'd rather not go all-out and create a members only area, with subscriber content. It's a fast and easy way to make a personal page just for … your mother … for example, where you might explain the intricacies of changing a light bulb or putting a plug into a socket. To protect a page, just access “More options” at the bottom of the page editor, check the box and enter a password.
  • We've also overhauled the searching and sorting functions of doombyPLUS subscribers' member lists, to make it easier for you to manage your subscriber databases.

All the changes are now live in your site manager. Enjoy.