Magic you make

Make a website easier, faster, and better (with a touch of magic)

On 17/06/2010

In News

I really have to hand it to Apple, and not just because they have mastered the art of simple and effective website design. Lately, their very excellent marketing team has given me a good run with the word “magical”. I don't think a single day has gone by in the last month that I haven't been reminded of just how “magical” the ordinary can be.

Bus is on time? Magical. Shirt doesn't need ironing? Magical. Hair that's stopped growing? Magical. Water from a tap, toilets that flush, shoe laces that tie … magical, magical, magical.

Yes, just like certain advertising execs, I too have a slight tendency to exaggerate things at times (and to overuse already-overused words ...), but I promise you that what follows is no exaggeration: your favorite free website maker is about to undergo a transformation that really is magical*, and will completely change the way you make a website.

Sometime in the next few weeks, when you connect to doomby's free website builder, you'll notice some pretty big changes have taken place behind the scenes. Right now, we're on track to bring you a completely overhauled site manager by the beginning of next month. This total site administration makeover is designed to streamline the way you use your free website builder tools and to bring the overall visual aspect of your site management interface into line with the doomby public site pages.

In addition to the visual changes, there's also a minor reorganization going on to make using our free online website maker tools simpler than ever. Some of them will be grouped together, and the whole interface trimmed down visually to help you focus on creating a website or making an online shop, rather than waste your time hunting for menus and settings.

In order to ease the transition from the current version to the next one, I'll be posting a series of articles on the blog to fill you in on the changes to expect to your favorite free website maker. They'll help ensure you experience minimal down-time (and maximum magic) during the changeover. So sit back, stay tuned and get ready to let the magic of your new and improved website maker inspire your website building to new heights.