E-commerce general release


Our e-commerce option has been out for a little over a week now, and this is the place for you to centralize whatever questions or feedback you have for us, or for general discussion about this great new feature.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on our e-commerce solution - whether it fits with your needs now and plans for future growth, and how you feel it stacks up against the PayPal product pages, which have been the only option for online sales available to members before now.

All the features aren't yet online - we're bringing them on one-by-one so as to ensure that any kinks get ironed out as painlessly as possible.

And don't forget - anyone can test out the store set up and complete back office management - it's free. You only need to subscribe once you're ready to get your store online.

As a final note - just remember there are less than 2 weeks left to take advantage of the special intoductory offer of 135 euros for a one-year e-commerce subscription (a saving of almost 15%).