
Make an online contact form

Make a contact form for your website enables you to provide site visitors with a way of sending information. You choose the kind of information you or they will require, by adding text field, checkboxes and radio buttons, and the information is sent directly to your site manager or to your email address.


Why create an online contact form?

As contact forms are sent to you automatically, via the website, you avoid having to publish your email address publicly on your website. Doing so helps prevent your email address from being used by "spammers".

The contact form content add-on enables you to:

  • create and publish as many contact forms on your website as you need
  • personalize the kinds of information each field of each contact form will receive
  • add multiple recipients for each contact form
  • choose how to receive messages: by email, or via the internal messaging features in the site manager

Create an online contact form

If you haven’t already done so, begin by enabling the Contact form add-on from the site manager.

Head to the Add-ons > Manage add-ons menu to enable it from the list of currently disabled content add-ons.

Once enabled, you’ll create a contact form from the Add-ons > Contact > Contact forms menu of the site manager, and click New form at the top of the explorer window. Give it a title and an optional description.

Personalize the contact form

Each contact form has 4 mandatory fields, added automatically: Name, Email address, Subject and Message.

You can personalize the labels of each field (the descriptive text appearing to the left of each field on the contact form once published on your website).

To personalize your contact form further, you can add additional fields, and change the order of any of the fields, including the 4 default fields. Add any of the following fields to personalize your form:

  • text fields (either single or multi-line fields, used to add any kind of text)
  • check boxes (to enable multiple selections from a pre-set list of choices)
  • radio buttons (to enable a single choice from a range of choices)

Choosing contact form recipients

Each contact form can be sent either - via the site manager (the message will be received under the Messages menu of the site manager, and can be sent to any or all site webmasters), or by email (the message will be sent via email, and you can specify up to three different email addresses to which the message will be sent).

In the example to the right, we’re sending the form by mail to two different addresses; each email account will receive a copy of the message. To add multiple email addresses, separate each one by a semi-colon.

Publishing and accessing your contact form

Once you’re done, save the form to publish it on your website.

If you have only one contact form published on your site, its default address will be:

If you add more than one contact form, each will have its own address (the address of each form is displayed in the editor window of the form, under the SEO section at the bottom of the page).