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How to use the tags

This tutorial is dedicated to the management of tags on your site: What is a tag? How useful is your site? How to make good use of it?

In 4 points we discover together the principle of tags on the web and the use of tags on emyspot.


What does a tag do? How does it help your website?

A tag is a keyword that allows you to group a series of pages or articles under the same theme. Tags are intended to help users in a search and to offer them products or similar articles to that theme. It encourages them to stay longer on the site by continuing their navigation.

Tags increase time spent on your site and the number of pages traveled. Tags also can have a significant impact on your SEO: Search engines like Google will consider that your site is popular with Internet users. Tags are one of the criteria that should not be overlooked when fighting for a higher SERP.

What add-ons allow you to use tags?

Several add-ons allow you to use tags on emyspot:

  • The blog add-on: Using tags allows you to classify articles, by marking them with tags, a cross navigation between posts. The tags also helps to optimize referencing. Tags can be displayed in a cloud or by displaying a list of similar items.
  • The video gallery add-on: Tags allow users to watch videos related to the same theme. Creating a cross reference so that users can easily find pertinent videos.
  • The directory add-on: To simplify user searches regardless of the number of websites on a tag will help you reference your websites to your users and search engines.
  • The online store add-on: Tags help with cross-selling. The tags will help identify the products of your catalog that are related, to up the pertinence and to create clear SEO connections.

How to create a tag?

Tags will function the same way, regardless of the add-on you are using. In the "tag" field integrate your keywords separated by commas. As a general rule, it is not necessary to add more than 3 or 4 tags on your content.

Always check that a tag does not exist in another spelling or slightly different keywords before creating it by looking at the list of created tags. This list is available as suggestions just below the tag field, consider clicking "+ more" for a new line to appear.

Tag cloud 1


How to use tags efficiently?

It's important to think carefully about your tag strategy before you use it to organize your blog, directory, or online store.

For tags to be effective, it is best not to create too many tags and make sure that they can be used multiple times. Each of the different add-ons that allow tags have a section dedicated to tag management. You can view the list of existing tags, modify them, delete them or merge them from this section.

  • Search for a tag: Type the name of the tag of the keyword in the search field titled and click on search.
  • Edit a tag: Click on the edit link just under the tag and then you can choose to change the name of a tag.
  • Delete a tag: This may be necessary when you find that a tag isn't useful or difficult to reuse. You will be asked to confirm the deletion of a tag twice.
  • Merge a tag: This is great to replace an existing tag by one that already exists. Click on merge. You will then see a drop-down menu that you can select the tag you want to replace it with.
  • Hide a tag: If you have created a tag that you do not wish to be referenced, nor visible to website visitors, you will edit the tag and tick the box in the SEO portion titled "Remove from site map"

Tags blog