
Add a music player to your website

It’s sometimes a good idea to add music to a page on your website, especially if you’ve created your website for your band, choir or music group. If you need to add music to your website, here’s a few ideas to help you add it easily.

For best results, use a standard audio format like MP3, and ensure the file is under 15MB.


Adding music via the visual editor

(1) Begin from the page editor

To add music via the visual editor, to a page or other site content, click the File button at the top of the editor toolbar.

If you haven’t already stored the music in your site storage space, you can upload it using the Browse button.

If you have already uploaded the file, you can select it from your site file storage space by clicking the Your files tab.

Add music 2

(2) Select the music file

Select the file then click Insert.

Choose the sound file

(3) Choose the type of player to use

Choose your preferred player type and click Insert again to add it to the page.

Choose a music player

Adding music using the “MP3” widget

(1) Begin from the page editor

Add a new content block to the page editor, and choose the other widgets, then click Configure.

(2) Choose the MP3 playlist

Go to the Gadgets section of the widget selection page and choose the MP3 playlist.

(3) Add your MP3 File

Add the MP3 files of your choosing and save your changes, you will be able to edit the Title of the file.


Important to remember

Like any other site content, you’ll need to ensure the music you add to your site is free of copyright restrictions, or that you obtain the necessary authorizations from the copyright holders to broadcast the music on your website.

Broadcasting copyright-protected music for which you don’t hold any broadcast rights is illegal, and is a breach of the emyspot Terms of Use.


About playing music automatically - not recommended

It can be tempting to add music that plays automatically when a visitor arrives on your page. As tempting as it might be, always remember that just because you’d like to control the environment of a site visitor, they may have other ideas.

Websites are a visual medium, and a lot of web surfing takes place under conditions that aren’t suited to music: from mobile browsers on a train or bus, from work or school. And a lot of web surfing that takes place at home is already accompanied by other activities, which can include listening to music: people often listen to their own choice of music on their computers or stereos while they surf the web.

Imposing music on people when they display a page on your website often results in unintended consequences: people don’t necessarily like to be disturbed with music when visiting websites or listening to music over the top of whatever else they may be listening to while they surf.

If you do want to add an auto-play feature to music on your site, you can: either by creating it directly on the player's website (like this one for example), or editing its code to add the relevant auto-play code for that player.

Just bear in mind that doing so may wind up causing more harm than good: it’s always best to let a visitor decide whether or not to add sound while they visit your site pages.