Unleash your website: doomby V4

On 27/07/2011

In New and updated features

We’ve been pretty busy here at doomby over the last few months finishing up work on the next version of our free website builder. One of the key driving forces behind this work has been to help beginners make a website more easily than ever before, by simplifying the layout of menus and unifying website builder tools like the new site content explorer.

One of the new features of doomby V4 is the new site menu manager, designed to make managing website menus more user-friendly than ever.

Unified site menu management

Combining the management of all site menus in a single tool makes a lot of ergonomic sense, but it also enables website developers to manage site widgets (like maps and tag clouds) and navigational links in a very new, and exciting way. Even better yet, you’ll be able to create menu templates to apply a different menu layout to any of the pages of your site.

The new version of doomby’s site builder will enable you to integrate these site elements in innovative ways, and to change their layout for each template you save. We’ve completely reworked the HTML code that “structures” your website, providing new access to areas like the site header and footer. This fantastic new feature will enable you to add a search engine, online store cart, sign-up box or a site navigation block anywhere you’d like.


Free your site design

The new V4-compatible site themes will enable our team of graphic designers – and our members - to really unleash their creativity, by giving them the possibility to add site content and functionality in new and exciting ways. One of the prerequisites of this work is the development of new site widgets: you’ll find a whole stack of them available for use as soon as the new doomby is published (such as site and add-on search engines), and a whole lot more will follow in the months ahead.

We’ve really excited about this great new feature that will truly revolutionize the way you structure your site layout. It’s one of our most-requested features, and we’re really happy to be able to offer it for all our members; it’ll change forever the way you make a website! See you soon for more feature previews of your new free website creator, coming very soon to your site manager (we can’t wait!).