Related Posts

Display related posts on your blog

Let's take a look at how to display the list of related posts so that your users can get interested in other posts on your blog.

This option will allow you to keep the user's attention longer on your blog and thus increase the number of posts read (and page views). Make your reader's real fans of your blog by directing them to related posts.


Reminder: Use tags and categories to organize your posts

Adding content regularly to your website is excellent for your websites SEO. But the more content you have, the better organized you need to be. The system of categories and tags help you organize your posts.

Categories are used to sort your posts by theme (example: categories "starters", "main courses" and "desserts" if you have a cooking blog).

The tags allow you to propose a crossed sorting (the tags could, for example, be ingredients: "apples", "mustard", "beef"). But tags also have another function: to offer the user to display the list of related posts(in our example, recipes that contain the same ingredient.

Here is an example of a proposal for related posts, which could appear at the bottom of a recipe based on cinnamon.

Related posts

Enable the option in the manager

To enable this option, go to Add-ons > Blog> Options and select the Show related posts tick box.

Manager related posts

Add tags to your blog posts

Tags are the common keywords used in your posts. For each blog post you publish, determine one, two, or three relevant tags (no more).

Example: For a chicken recipe with mustard, you could add the tags "chicken" and "mustard". For a cinnamon chicken recipe, you could tag your recipe with the words "chicken" and "cinnamon". And finally, for an apple pie with cinnamon, you could add the tags "apples" and "cinnamon".

SEO related posts

Optimize the SEO of each post

The illustration image and the presentation text are information that you enter in the Search engine optimization SEO section. Fill in the title, description, and illustration image to display a full summary of your post in the related posts space.

Some key facts about how the related posts work:

You can view an unlimited number of related posts. To keep it consistent, we invite you to view 2, 3 or 4 similar posts maximum.

For a given post, similar posts are those that have the same tag. If you have several tickets with the same tag, the display of the list of similar tickets is done first according to the number of tags in common and then according to the date of creation of the tickets.

If you do not complete the description in the "Search engine optimization(SEO)" section, our system detects it and displays instead a description composed of the first 256 characters of your posts.

We advise you to systematically fill the SEO portion out, to offer a unique and catchy content, as well as an image of illustration, which could make the user want to read a similar posts.