Store products visibility

Up potential sales with better product suggestion!

On 03/04/2017

In E-commerce

If you have a store or e-commerce website on emyspot, you may have already wanted to offer products to customers when they add purchases to the shopping cart. Recently, the developers of emyspot have added a feature that will please you: suggestion of related products when an item is added to the basket.

More about the new update

Suggesting products when adding items to the cart is simple. When you create or modify a product in your shop, you can configure related products. The related products will be displayed in the same pop-up that notifies when a product has been added to the cart. It will, therefore, be possible for the customer to go to the page of suggested products, or even to add the product directly to their order.

To enable this feature:

It takes just a few minutes to set up this new feature. Simply go to Add-ons > Store > Settings> Preferences and then tick the box titled "Display similar products in the added to cart popup". Do not forget to save the changes.

Once done you will need to go into the products of your store and define the similar products. In the settings ensure that you have ticked the Related Products tab, then click the "Add a related product" button. You will see a pop-up window, where you will have to select the product category at the top and then select the products you want to relate to.

Display related procducts in your cart

Check out the result below

Site suggestions of products