Recaptcha antispam verification

The new version of reCAPTCHA is here!

On 17/01/2017

In New and updated features

The bane of  every webmaster's existance - SPAM - can quickly invade your website! In order to fight and eradicate these inadvertent messages sent by robots, emyspot offers you many antispam solutions and you can now opt for the updated version of reCAPTCHA.

Thus far, emyspot offered you the old version of reCAPTCHA. Although effective, this anti-spam solution can sometimes stop Internet users from commenting. When you have to either add the code or answer a question after an advertisement, some people lose interest. Or worse as some of the codes you need to have a doctorate to decipher the sequence of characters before being able to validate your message or comment.

The new version of reCAPTCHA has the advantage of being simple for Internet users! To post a message in the guestbook, in the forum, or when completing the contact form, you can simply check a box in order to prove that you are not a robot. ReCAPTCHA determines if the activity seems suspicious with the IP address you are using. For a more secure validation, reCAPTCHA also proposes to select from images to show you are not a robot.

The new reCAPTCHA is born to please tablets and smartphone users, a simple gesture and their message is now on your site and you are protected from pesky spam.

Like its previous version, the new version of reCAPTCHA is available for VersionPLUS subscribers, which can be activated from the Settings> Global settings> antispam menu of your manager. It takes just a few minutes to configure so that it is operational on your site.  The tutorial - How to configure the new reCAPTCHA on your site?

versionplus Spam