Display closing and opening hours

You will be able to easily display the practical info, such as the opening hours of your restaurant, the hours of service and when your restaurant is closed for the holiday, all from the restaurant add-on. 

This feature allows you to view your hours and days of opening on your website, automatically showing the days and hours, and allowing you to check for the future. Follow along to set up the opening hours of your restaurant.


Opening hours

Define the times you are open. If you are open 5 days of the week on open 24/7 display these details to make it easy for customers to visit your restaurant in a glance. To create the time slots, go to Add-ons > Restaurant > Settings > Preferences.

You can define your hours each day. You may be open all hours of the day or if your restaurant may have a closing period in the afternoon. All this info can be displayed clearly by adding time slots.

Opening hours

Closing periods

Of course, there will be periods you will be closed, whether holidays or scheduled maintenance so let people know. Add closing periods to your restaurant hours by going to Add-ons > Restaurant > Settings > Closing Times.

Closing period

The different ways to display your opening hours

A widget allows you to view the opening hours the day of and the hours for the days of the week. You do not need to change your schedule every day, the widget will automatically display the information you have entered for each day in your manager.

  • If you want to display your opening hours in your site menus, go to Settings > Menus, click Add widget > Restaurant, and then select the "Opening Hours" widget.
  • If you want to display your opening hours on any page, with the dynamic page creation tool, you can. Go to Pages> Manage pages and add a column. Click Restaurant> Opening Hours. And save your widget.

Widget opening hours

Details widget opening hours

Widget opening hours site