Set up a personalized online store

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An e-commerce solution where you have 100% control

Use the e-commerce website settings of your online store to adapt your website and your online shopping experience, to your customers. Fine tune your store settings to maximize your sales.

Sales tax management

Set up and manage sales tax for your store and applied to your products (GST, VAT etc.). Sales tax rates can be configured differently for delivery countries, or states, in accordance with applicable tax rates for each. Making sales taxes accurate and easy to manage.

Make your online store homepage inviting!

Personalize content and the layout of your online store homepage, to highlight new products. You can also display your highest-selling items or a personalized layout that combine text, images, and videos etc. Just as you would in a physical store, catch a customers' eye with your homepage.

Give personality to your manufacturers and suppliers

Manage and publish details of your online store suppliers and manufacturers.

Enabling your clients to search for similar items, or to highlight details of the origins of your e-commerce product.

Size, colour, weight... propose multiple product attributes and variations

Create and manage product attributes, and use them to create product variations like different colors, sizes or weights of a given product - perfect for quickly creating multiple products from any given item.

A store ready for m-commerce

Choose a responsive theme and customers can shop from any online device, (smartphone, tablet..)

Your store will be 100% operational, from browsing products, the purchasing process, to the reviews after, the customer can do everything from their mobile phone.

Online store display settings

Set up the look and feel of your online store quickly, by defining:

  • the number and order of products displayed on each page
  • out-of-stock item settings
  • layout for new or sale items
  • manufacturer and supplier page settings

Advanced online store settings

Fine tune the set up of your online store:

  • set free shipping thresholds
  • define individual customer purchasing rights
  • block online sales temporarily, or to create an online catalogue
  • gift wrapping
  • default store currency and price display layout