Make a poll on your website

Adding free polls when you make a website is simple and fun using the emyspot's built-in poll maker tools - you don't need any special skills to make and publish online polls for your site visitors, with polling results updated instantly on your website.

Make a free website


Why make a poll?

An easy and quick way of getting your visitors' opinions on a topic is to make a poll. A free poll maker comes with your emyspot website builder tools, no matter whether you've chosen to make a pro website or to make a free website, or even to make an online shop or online store.

The poll add-on is a simple way to add fun, entertaining and useful site content for you and your visitors, and is perfect for organizing an event, getting visitors to decide the name of your next webpage or to find out whether your website theme is of interest to your visitors.


Use a poll, or multiple...


It takes just a few clicks to make a poll, just as soon as you've registered. Just enable the poll add-on from your site manager from the Add-ons menu.

Just add a question, choose a series of possible responses and select your preferred display style. In less than a minute, your first poll will be published. Add more with ease.

Engage your users


Users can access a list of polls to see the results and give their opinion on the polls that are still open. As soon as they vote, the can see the results.

Add polls where you want, as it is a widget, you can insert a poll on your homepage, in the menu...

Enable user comments for the voters


Activate comments on your polls (or just certain) to receive feedback and get reactions to the asked question.

Target certain members


Reinforce the community spirit of your website and authorize only the members of your site to participate and access polls that you create.