Set-up bookings

Whether you use the booking add-on to offer property rentals, appointments or for ticket sales, you will be able to set everything up easily in your manager. Let's see how to add a description and photos and then make the first adjustments to your online booking site. Go to your Add-ons > Booking > Rentals and add a rental. From this screen you will have multiple settings to configure.

  1. Describe your rental by entering a title and adding a full description in the Details tab. Do not add a photo in the visual editor on the details page, instead toggle over to the Images tab after you have saved your changes.
  2. Add images to your rental from the images portion to create a visually descriptive and full description of your rental location. Read more in the next section: Add images to your booking
  3. Choose a period for your rental location to allow your site visitors to book your rental. More details described here: Define periods and the price.
  4. The extras allow you to fine tune your rental offer by adding attributes and precision. More details described here: Add free or paid extras 

Edit bookng rental 1

Filling in the details

Title: This is the title that will appear at the top of your webpage. This is what will be seen by site users first, so be sure to include the title and one to two keywords to help navigation. 

Illustrative image: This image will be displayed in widgets if you choose, as well as when sharing this page on social networks or search engines. Choose a quality image that sells your rental.

Description: Add a detailed description of the rental including key information.

Other content: This is a free zone that you can add content to as widgets, HTML, or through the visual editor. Click on add a block to create another content zone on your rental page.

Manager title descriptionAdd a title and a description

Add an imageAdd the photos

New york loft rental

Admire the results


Once you have added a description, you need to fill in the basic settings. To do this, in the Details section you will choose:

Number° of simultaneous bookings allowed: you must decide how many times can a rental could be booked at the same time? If you have 3 similar hotel rooms, indicate 3. If the rental is unique, indicate 1.

Booking mode: indicate whether you want to book by day/night, a week or per hour (multiple booking in a single day). If you choose time slots, you can set different time slots for each day, as well as the duration of a time slot.

Type: Choose whether it is booked by night or by day. An overnight rental is suitable for a lodging or a hotel while a day rental is for example for a room rental.

Minimum n° days/night: In choosing the minimum number of days, no booking can be made under the minimum number.

Days open for bookings: Choose the day/days that you allow site visitors to book your rental by ticking the box.

Calendar weeks begin: We recommend you choose the day of the week that will be displayed first on the availability calendar.

Pricing: Define whether booking is free or if you will require payment and the base price. This is the reference price of your rental. Your base price may vary in value or in%, depending on a period (eg summer) or a special day (more expensive on Sundays for example). To learn how to vary the base price depending on a day of the week or a period, we invite you to read the tutorial: vary the price of a rental per period. More details on setting up payment will be given in the guide section titled: Accepting online payments.

Bookings open for next: Choose between 10 years, which is basically saying available all the time. Or choose to define a period. Which is perfect for temporary office space, or for seasonal booking.

Availability display type: Choose between a calendar display which shows the month and the dates,  with the pricing and the dates available for booking. You can tick whether you want to display unavailable timeslots and the whether to display the available number of rental places.

Additional information

Define the max occupancy and the area. This is a great section to add equipment that is included in the rental. For example, if in the conference room there is a projector screen or that a BnB has table settings for 6 people. Just add these extra bonuses to the additional information section.

Order details

Choose between the default order settings or whether you will be customizing your orders.

If you choose Custom order then you will need to define certain settings after.

Payment: Choose to disable payment, ask for a deposit, or for payment in full.

If you choose Deposit: You can choose the % of the total price that you wish to ask for as your deposit. We will go into further detail about payment in the section of the guide to define the periods and the price.


Pay special attention to the address details that you put into this category. These details will be displayed on the rental page and sent in booking confirmation e-mails. So be sure to include a valid address, post/zip code, city, and country.

Hit save and let's head to the next part of the guide to make your booking location efficient.