Availability and booking calendars

Availability is automatically displayed on a calendar, just above the booking form. We propose to discover in this tutorial the different options to display your availability and to better understand the booking process.

Calendar display options

Depending on your activity, the type of schedule to display your availability and unavailability on your site may be different. Indeed, if you offer a weekly rental, the calendar will not be displayed the same way as if you offer booking or making appointments by time slots.

To change the schedule type, go to Add-ons > Booking. Click Edit rental and then in the Details tab scroll down to the Booking mode part and select.

Per day by night: displays availability and unavailability by day and night, with different colors. When a slot or a day is reserved, the period turns red.

Per week :  displays availability and unavailability by week, with different colors. When a slot or a day is reserved, the period turns red.

Per timeslot: displays available timeslots in text mode. As soon as a timeslot is booked it will no longer be displayed.

You may also choose none. Which will display a date selector on your website but no additional information about the availability is displayed.

Discover the different booking modes through our case studies

Hotel marga 2

Book a hotel room

Here is an example of the booking add-on used to create a hotel booking system that requires down payment and price varying depending on booking period.
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Set up booking at your hair sa

Follow along this case study to ensure that your professional website is set up to allow booking by appointments.
Hazelnut cottage

Reserve a cottage for the week

This case study shows you how to set up the booking add-on to encourage visitors to book your rental, add additional and options, and allow down payment online.