Google maps api

Attention Google map users get your API Key now!

On 18/07/2016

In News

After Google Maps has changed their Terms of Sale, you will now need to indicate an API key in order to display Google maps on your site. Let's see how easy it is to integrate your API key and help your site visitors find out where you are with all the advantages of Google maps !

How to obtain and idicate an API key for Google Maps ?

It is fast and easy to get the necessary API key by accessing Google Developers Console  and by indicating your domain name, You will then integrate this API key onto your site manager by going to Settings > Global settings >  Google API.

Why use Google maps?

Thanks to Google Maps, you can give your exact position with a map that is interactive and responsive, adapting easily to your site visitor's needs. To display a map on your site use the Google Maps widget, made specifically for this purpose. This widget can be used for the side menus or directly in the page. 

google widget