Open Street Maps

Use Open Street Map to display maps on your website

On 12/04/2019

Maps are very useful on the Internet. They allow us to identify sale points, how to get somewhere and how made take a road trip and so much more. There are many solutions available, with not doubt, Open Street Map is the most complete and customizable available solution. It's a good alternative since Google Maps became payable in July 2018.


Incorporate Open Street Map


As the Google Maps API is payable since July 16, 2018, it was important for us to offer to the emyspot users a free option to display maps on their websites. You may have seen the new widget pictogram for OPEN STREET MAP.

The Google Maps widget still available. To continue with it you will have to specify your own API key in oder to display the free map on your site. Once you have exceeded the quota of free displays you will automaticly switch to the paid version.
We invite you to read the following posts about Google maps API changes:



Open Street Map proyect

Launched in 2004 by Steve Coast, Open Street Map is a mapping project that aims to create a free cartographic database with which everyone will be able to create maps. This tool is collaborative and each one can contribute with their knowledge to enrich the database.

Thanks to countless contributions over the past years, Open Street Map (OSM) now has a very rich database and can locate many points of interest on the maps. There are different backgrounds, that users will be able to choose according to their needs and the data collected.

Use uMap and create your own maps

Do you want to go further with interactive maps? You can create custom maps thanks to uMap, an online service based on Open Street Map that allows you to create your own maps.

Here below you will find an example:
Osm example 1

This type of maps are an original idea for a travel blog or to locate a company in the world. Go to to create your own custom map. You can easily incorporate it into your website with a little HTML code.

widget google maps