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Recently added tutorials

On 14/10/2016

In Help to make a website

This week we have been focused on adding tutorials to help use the page builder tool better. Be it to make a one-page website or to create an online store your page display is essential.

As you have heard, and know, and we will never stop saying it- content is the best selling point - you need content to create product pages that sell, write a blog post, add a page, or create a category – content is key.

HoverUsing the page builder tool allows you to easily organize your content into blocks and columns of killer content. We have added six tutorials this week to make it easier to make pages. And the tutorial everyone has asked and need at least once is how to perform an emergency retrieval method for deleted content. Because sometimes we misplace things and want them back.. any hints or help for finding my woolly jumper are much appreciated.

When constructing your website, your options are limitless, adding dynamic widgets, creating columns and blocks, and activating add-ons like the blog, online store, pages, and contacts. We wanted to make it easier to find your content on your site so our tutorials of the week focused on that.

We have also added some tutorials for more advanced coders. Starting from the more basic of adding class and ID's from the page builder tools. Or how to display an image on hover, as witnessed if you hovered over the picture to the right. We also made a tutorial to create an anchor link in your pages, be it to create a one-page website or to help the site visitors get to the content they want.

With numerous resources dedicated to helping our webmasters use emyspot to make a free website including tutorials, guides, reference sites - i want to take a moment to remind you that there is the support team for help! We are here to help in any part of the website creation and would love to provide insights and tips.

* Recipe for the The Buhburger

page layout blocks and columns plugins