Renew domain name

Why you need to renew your domain name before it expires

On 21/06/2016

In News

As a good webmaster who wants his website to function in the long run you need to renew your domain name subscription before it expires. Users often find themselves in tricky situation because they did not renew their subscription on time.

The 4 worst situations that you never want to experience:

  • The domain name is no longer available. Someone else is free to buy your existing domain name as soon as you do not own it ! While this rarely happens, there is a chance that this could happen! 
  • Site is no longer indexed by search engines.They will even remove your website from their databases. Whether you reactivate your domain name or not you will have to resubmit it to the search engines. It is also very likely that all your SEO work to be well ranked on search engines will be lost.
  • Losing all pictures. All the pictures on your website are attached to your domain name. Either you reactivate the domain name or you will have to delete and then reinsert each photo, manually, which is a lot of work!
  • Stop receiving emails and messages. Since your personalized email addresses disappear with the domain name. The only way to access these emails is to renew your domain name.

When is the best moment to renew your subscription to your domain name offer?

Renewing it just before it expires is great, but we recommend that you reactivate even sooner to guarantee everything goes smoothly. Depending on the payment method you use, it takes a few day to be taken into account.  We recommend you renew it in advance and avoid the bad things mentioned above. 

Enjoy the benefits of the domain name offer,  feel free to (re)subscribe today !

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