Ssl 1

Yoohoo! We have that secure https

On 10/03/2016

In News

We talked about the benefits of having an the https connection on your site in the post three key reasons to unlock the power of https. Security, credibility, and superior SEO. And we told you to get the https on your site in the post coming your way : SSL Security Certificate. Now we have it available on the emyspot portal and the manager. Because we believe in our own product!

You visit, and read, and interact with emyspot and you matter to us. At emyspot we don't want to be the "do as I say not as I do" eye in the sky. We believe in our product. We think emyspot is the easiest website builder to use, regardless of the type of site you want to make. From a neighbourhood association to a small business site, to beginners just learning and established web agencies, our CMS is made for you. For this reason, emyspot was created using the features we offer to our clients. Everything we do, the emyspot webmasters (you) can do as well. We use all of our offers to give you the best service we can, and this includes the SSL certificate to unleash the power of https! Cruise around the site and feel secure in the reality that all information is protected.

If you are setting up your https connection let us know below!

We love hearing from you. Comment below!

credibility domain name security site perception SEO visibility optimization